Currently accepting variety posts that mirror others in the Variety Library! If there is a specific variety that you love and want to write up on, please fill out the form below.

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6 of the most questionable words in wine

6 of the most questionable words in wine

Disagreeable. Dubious… I toyed with the right word to use here. I read these words in headlines for wine articles week after week after week after week …so I thought I’d share them and get your take!

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The Story of Malbec, Carménère, and Tannat

The Story of Malbec, Carménère, and Tannat

In the mid-19th century, Malbec, Carménère, and Tannat left their homeland in France heading to South America - future unknown. Just like most immigrants, armed only by their abilities and potential, these grapes have adapted and prospered in their new homes. Malbec...

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All You Need To Know About Bordeaux: A Regional Guide

All You Need To Know About Bordeaux: A Regional Guide

Regardless of where you are in your wine journey, there’s no doubt you know Bordeaux is where it’s at. It’s one of the pinnacles of Old World wines and responsible for the more jaw-dropping of bottle auctions. Learning about Bordeaux is intimidating, to say the least....

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How is rosé made? (A cheat sheet)

How is rosé made? (A cheat sheet)

We all know rosé gets its color from red grape skins, right?⁣ Outside of that, there are a few main processes that give wines that pink color...⚡️DIRECT PRESS⁣Black grapes are crushed and PRESSED IMMEDIATELY just like white wine! This extracts as little...

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